The minimum exchange rate is $10 Tether, and you must first transfer the amount you want, which is a multiple of $10 Tether, to our wallet address and automatically receive the equivalent amount in the form of tokens in less than 2 hours.
Min: 10 USDT = 7000 OpenAi (-0% Fee)
Min: 100 TRX = 18500 OpenAi (-0% Fee)
Currently, the OpenAi can be exchanged with Tether and Tron, and in the future it will be possible to exchange with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Dogecoin, DashCoin, Ada and other crypto currencies.
In case of any problem, contact us via email support. Due to the high volume of messages, they will be answered within 72 hours.
OpenAi Price
The price of openai is updated weekly in this section .